The 13th Warrior

Continuity mistake: When the guy throws the second shovel of dirt on the red haired man, only his lower part of the back gets dirty. Two shots later the dirt is all up his back. (00:45:00)


Continuity mistake: When the Wendol are attacking the village at night, one of them is shot by an arrow and falls off his horse into water. A couple of minutes later the same shot of the Wendol falling is used again for another arrow hit.

Continuity mistake: When Hamad and Herger are watching the burning village, Herger has a sip of his horn with its tip pointing up. When it cuts the horn's tip is pointing down. (01:00:20)


Continuity mistake: Before the first battle scene, the king is telling them about the Wendol. The black-haired man is riding his horse back to the castle. He walks up and is taking off his gloves. There is a shot to the king and back to the black-haired man, and his gloves are back on his hands.

The 13th Warrior mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: Before the last battle, when the Wendol warlord nears the Norse village he's on horseback and raises his arm swinging his weapon. It cuts to his closeup, and under his right arm there's a visible plastic slider buckle on the strap (looks like nylon) of his bear costume. (01:21:15 - 01:30:55)

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Buliwyf: I have only these hands. I will die a pauper.
King Hrothgar: You will be buried as a king.
Buliwyf: A man might be thought wealthy if someone were to draw the story of his deeds, that they may be remembered.
Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan: Such a man might be thought wealthy indeed.

More quotes from The 13th Warrior

Trivia: The story of this film is basically a retelling of the story of Beowulf and Grendel. Buliwyf is Beowulf, the Wendol are Grendel, King Hrothgar is of course himself. Ahmed Ibn Fahalan was added to lend the story historical credence as Ahmen Ibn Fahalan really did travel north from Baghdad and encountered Viking men.

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