For Your Eyes Only

Corrected entry: When he goes into the hotel room, you can hear a shower running. The shower stops, and about 2 seconds later the girl comes out wearing only a towel, however she is completely dry.

Correction: It is only an assumption that she was actually in the shower; perhaps she turned on the water, preparing to get into the shower, but when she heard Bond arrive she decided to change her plan of seduction.

Corrected entry: When Bond and company attack Kristato's warehouse, it is in the middle of the night, however as Bond runs up the stairs to chase the escaping bad guy, he reaches the top in broad daylight.

Correction: The attack takes place near dawn. You'll notice it getting lighter as the action goes on.

Revealing mistake: When Bond throws the dead pilot out of the helicopter, you can tell it's a dummy as its arms and legs bend at impossible angles.

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James Bond: Forgive me father, for I have sinned.
Q: That's putting it mildly, 007.

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Trivia: British model Caroline Cossey, who appeared as one of the women in the film, was revealed after the film to be a transsexual. She was born a man.

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Question: Why does Bond go to Bibi to try and get information about Eric Kriegler? Couldn't he have simply contacted his own department to get a background check on him. After all, it's not like she would have had anything very informative (considering that she had previously stated that he never talks to girls).

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Whether he talked to her or not, Bibi would have inside information simply by being around him so much. She would have overheard things that a background check wouldn't reveal, like planned criminal activity.

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