Flash Gordon

Flash Gordon (1980)

Ending / spoiler

(4 votes)

Flash crashes his ship into Ming's palace and Ming is impaled. Ming aims his ring at himself and disappears. Prince Barin becomes king, appoints Vultan as general of the armies and declares that everyone live together in peace. Dale asks Dr. Zarkov if it's possible to return to Earth and he says that he doesn't know but they can try. An unknown person picks up Ming's ring and his evil laughter is heard...


Flash Gordon mistake picture

Continuity mistake: There are a couple of instances in the movie where the models do not correspond with the actual sets. When Klytus arrives at the Hawkmen city he lands near the top of the city. Yet in that very hall there is a pit with a deep void underneath. Such a room could only exist at the bottom of the city. Also, when the Hawkmen start to land on Ajax, its engine section appears to be missing. (01:10:10 - 01:14:30)


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Dale Arden: I'm a New York City girl. It's a little too quiet around here for me.

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Trivia: The soundtrack for this film was largely composed and performed by the British rock group Queen. Howard Blake created the original score and some parts remain in the film.


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Question: Why did Prince Barron hate Flash so much? His burning desire to kill this complete stranger left me somewhat baffled.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Prince Barin was the fiance of Princess Aura, who took a shine to Flash. He was quite simply jealous.


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