Along Came a Spider

Factual error: As the kidnapper is watching TV, we hear a news anchor describing the kidnapped child. She is described as 12 years old, 3 ft. 5 in. tall, and 52 pounds. This is the size of a child half this age. A 12 year old of this size would be freakishly small, which this character is not. And as we see her throughout the movie, she is easily approaching 5 feet tall and in the 70 - 80 pound range. (00:13:30)

Factual error: When Alex & Jezzie are on their chase throughout the city they end up at Union Station. The scene is really filmed at Union Station, however when they go downstairs to get on the train, as instructed, they are no longer really in DC. The train used is not DC's. Platforms are not marked by letters or any other designation in DC and the interior of the train car (layout of seats etc) is that of Baltimore's, rather than DC's.

Factual error: The 'game' set up by Soneji is a whole bunch of computer science-fiction nonsense seen only in movies, with the common factual error of blurry pictures that can somehow be zoomed in ad libitum. The IT agent comments when Cross has clicked on a picture from the camera recording of the class; "Dr. Cross isn't in cyberspace anymore! You're at a live site, looking through a video camera", which does not even make sense. The sequence that follows is not a camera feed, with a real camera being moved, but a panoramic composite shot of the room.



Factual error: When Alex shoots Jessie in the chest, the blood is pouring out of the hole in the trench coat. Gravity would be doing that between her skin and red sweater instead. (01:35:15)

Houma R L Dave

Factual error: During the movie, Senator Rose's daughter is protected by the US Secret Service. A plot point also sanctions that senator Rose is basically a nobody, he does not hold important roles, nor he was threatened in any way before the fact. His daughter would not be under Secret Service protection then, since it is reserved only to the highest elected officials of the nation, not every single relative of every single House member.


Factual error: Outside of the house of Senator Rose are police cars of the Barcroft County Police. The police for Lake Barcroft are the Fairfax County police. (01:01:15)


Revealing mistake: After the woman is strangled and the people come in trying to find the little kid, the dead woman is clearly seen blinking. (00:11:25)

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Gary Soneji: I am living proof that a mind is a terrible thing.

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Trivia: After Morgan Freeman shoots the guy with the shotgun, the next scene is outside with the news crew and you will see Morgan Freeman walk by the camera dressed up with dreadlocks and cap and keeps looking at the camera. It's Morgan Freeman playing an extra.

Tommy L

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Suggested correction: I agree, it's definitely not Morgan Freeman. If you're talking about the guy in the red knit cap and what looks like a red sweater vest, he doesn't have a mustache and his nose is completely different from Freeman's nose looks like in profile. Without any confirmation from someone from the film (such as a director's commentary) or further evidence, this isn't valid trivia.


Suggested correction: Wow, I find pretty extraordinary that this cameo is not mentioned anywhere else. The guy does look like Morgan Freeman (I am adding a screenshot to the entry), and is not seen anywhere else in the scene, nor Freeman is in the wide shot, so I can't say the entry is false, I just find it quite strange since usually this sort of humorous bit roles get mentioned a lot. Kudos for noticing.


That is not Morgan Freeman.

More trivia for Along Came a Spider

Question: How did Meghan get from the boat to the house?

Answer: There is a man in the house who brings Meghan some food to eat. I think he was the one who took her there.

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