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Deliberate mistake: As the sub rises backwards to the surface, the stern emerges from the water at a steep angle, then rises near-vertically so that the boat is virtually standing on the tip of its bow. Anything left loose on a countertop would surely fall off. But when the boat falls onto its belly, a close-up shows a pistol sliding off a sink counter into the hand of the Captain- because it's dramatic and cool looking, yet extremely improbable- especially considering that an open tin of shaving foam, its lid and a foam brush all lay on the same counter, undisturbed. (01:27:30)


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Trivia: When Claire is in the Captain's quarters and turns to see the dead Winters' lying in his bunk, two shots that follow show Olivia first turning away from Winters, then emerging from his room into the passageway. Both of these shots were filmed in reverse, then played backwards to make them look more eerie - note the odd movement of her hair, especially in the latter shot. (01:22:40)


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