Alien Vs. Predator

Corrected entry: How is it possible that when a Predator uses its claws to slice an Alien part off, it starts to melt instantly from the acid, while the throwing star slices right through unharmed as seen with the mother alien?

Correction: The throwing star and the claws are made from different metals. The claws are not really intended to be used against the Aliens; instead, they are supposed to use the shoulder blasters and other ranged weapons to protect themselves from the acid blood. The consequence of closing with the Aliens is losing their armor to the acid and dying faster. The throwing star is made from a lighter, more aerodynamic metal and enjoys a resistance to the acid.


Corrected entry: Numerous times while in the outside, you cannot see their breath in the cold. For example while Lexx is being persuaded on the ship by the two men to help with the expedition, because of the cold, you should be able to see their breath, but you don't. They are in Antarctica which should be very cold.


Correction: As explained several times for other movies, visible breath has nothing to do with cold. It is the humidity of the air around you that matter.


This is a misunderstanding of the role humidity plays in seeing your breath. Seeing your breath is the result of your breath and outside humidity combining to be 100% relative humidity, meaning you're able to see your breath at higher temperatures if outside humidity is high enough. You can affect relative humidity by increasing humidity or decreasing temperature. This means at certain temperatures (usually below 45°F) you'll always see your breath. Given the Antarctic temperatures in the film, we should always see their breath, no matter what the humidity is.


Corrected entry: The first Predator is killed by an Alien with a tail that is far too long (at least 30 ft. long, by my estimation) No other Alien in any of the movies has a tail this long, including the queen. (00:53:05)

Correction: It could have been a mutation. There's no reason why all Aliens have to be exactly the same. They are not clones.

Corrected entry: Lex picks up the Desert Eagle and fires it. The DE is so powerful that even the soldiers who use it have to use both hands. Lex fires it without even blinking.

Correction: It is possible to fire a Desert Eagle one handed, and therefore this is not a mistake.

Correction: She uses both hands and blinks when firing it. Not sure what you are talking about.

Corrected entry: There is a part when they find a sarcophagus with a combination lock on it in the pyramid, and as Sebastian is figuring out the combination, he reveals that the combination would be the date that day. The date is 10/10/04 so he sets the dial. The calendar on the sarcophagus is Aztec, so they wouldn't have October- nor be on the year 2004. How could that date have opened it?

Correction: It's possible that he didn't enter 10-10-04 but the Aztec equivalent. It would require some quick thinking on his part but he is supposed to be the best. It's a stretch but it's possible.

Charles Fraser

Corrected entry: We see the face hugger attack the predator. We all know what happens. At the end with the 50 predators, why didn't any of them use their heat vision on him?

Correction: They did. There is no indication that the Predator-Alien hybrid survives more than a few seconds at the end of the movie; the Predators go offscreen and it is born, but they are no doubt prepared for this eventuality. They brought the trial Predator back on board to honor his accomplishment.


Factual error: When they're first entering the whaling camp, a penguin startles Miller. That penguin was a black-footed penguin, which is a bird native to much warmer climates. If that little guy had actually been in Antarctica, he would have died within minutes. (00:20:40)

More mistakes in Alien Vs. Predator

Alexa 'Lex' Woods: Where exactly on the ice is this?
Charles Bishop Weyland: It's not on the ice, it's 2000 feet under it.

More quotes from Alien Vs. Predator

Trivia: The line "You are one ugly m*****" that Lex delivers to the Alien when she kills it before the exit through the shaft, is the same that Major "Dutch" Schaefer said to the Predator in the 1987 film.

More trivia for Alien Vs. Predator

Question: Can anyone tell me why the Predators didn't scan the 'token' human survivor or the last dead predator to see if either were infected with an Alien? Especially when the Predator was not wearing his face mask which would serve as protection against this infection.

Ronald Cornish

Answer: When they emerged from the underground pyramid unscathed, the Predators assumed they were not infected. Any Predator, young or old, would have been taught to self destruct rather than be caught or killed. As seen in the previous movies. Lex was given the mark of a warrior, they assumed she was taught their code of honor.

Chosen answer: Given the speed with which the chestbursters emerged from the other humans, it seems likely that these have been engineered by the Predators to emerge as quickly as possible. As such, they probably assumed in Lex's case that, were she impregnated, it would have emerged before that point. As for their fallen comrade, it may well have simply not occurred to them that one of their number would be foolish enough to get himself impregnated. Even proud alien hunters can make mistakes.


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