Excess Baggage

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Vincent is meeting the thug in the pool hall to trade money in exchange for Emily, the thug makes a move for the money bag, and Vincent grabs his arm. At first, he grabs his right arm, then it cuts to another angle and he actually has his left arm.

Continuity mistake: Near the very end of the movie, we see Emily get into a car with the license plate "ATH 3". She is drives this same car until the end of the movie because she is concealing Vincent in the trunk. However, in the very last scene, the license reads "ATH 2".

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Vincent is meeting the thug in the pool hall to trade money in exchange for Emily, the thug makes a move for the money bag, and Vincent grabs his arm. At first, he grabs his right arm, then it cuts to another angle and he actually has his left arm.

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Emily: You got a girlfriend?
Vincent: Nah, I gave that up.
Emily: Why?
Vincent: Because I always see the potential of failure.

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