Event Horizon

A deep space research vessel crosses the boundary between our world and that of a place of total chaos (ostensibly Hell) and becomes alive as a result. It then attempts to kill off a rescue crew one by one.


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Dr. Weir: What was made public about the Event Horizon - that she was a deep space research vessel, that her reactor went critical, and that the ship blew up - none of that is true. The Event Horizon is the culmination of a secret government project to create a spacecraft capable of faster-than-light flight.
Smith: Uhm, excuse me. See, you can't actually do that.

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Trivia: An "event horizon" is the gravitational boundary which encloses or encompasses a black hole, from which no light escapes whatsoever.

Allister Cooper, 2011

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Chosen answer: The movie never explicitly says; but science is as yet unsure what happens to a given piece of matter once it crosses a black hole's event horizon, so who knows? The ship could have been thrown seven years forward in time, or far enough away that it took seven years for it to drift close to Neptune. Pick any explanation you like.

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