End of Days
End of Days mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After the priest writes down 666 on a piece of paper, he holds it upside down to reveal that it is 999. When we cut back to him a few seconds later, the numbers look completely different. (01:05:40)

End of Days mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the church at the end when the windows are shattering, Arnie's got his right arm protecting his face in a wide shot and a closeup, then in the next shot (behind him) his left arm's up. we then cut in front of him again and his right arm's back up. (01:44:20)

Jon Sandys

End of Days mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Satan enters the church demanding to know where Christine York is, one of the priests approaches him with a crucifix. The camera is facing the priest, Satan grabs the crucifix and stabs the priest right in the centre of his forehead (just above the eyebrow line). The camera angle changes to facing Satan and when the priest hits the deck, the crucifix is sticking out of his head higher up and above his left eyebrow. (01:22:30)

End of Days mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After the baby is born, the nurse puts a blue towel on her, completely covering her chest. The next shot, the baby's chest isn't covered. (00:06:00)

End of Days mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Satan gets out of the car and turns up his collar, he has no gloves on his hands, but in the next shot as he is still turning up his collar, his hands are already gloved. (00:16:55)

Continuity mistake: In the scene were Arnold disconnects the carriages of the train, near the end, he has to jump across the gap. When we first see the gap it is a certain distance, the camera angle changes and it's a bigger gap, then the angle changes and it's closer, there is no way Arnold could have jumped that big gap. (01:42:35)

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Satan: How do you expect to defeat me when you are but a man, and I am forever?

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Trivia: At one stage, Satan walks past an ice rink in New York City. Over loudspeakers, we hear the song, 'Tidings of Comfort and Joy'. Satan smiles, then walks away, before the words, "Christ our saviour" can be heard.

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Question: Why does Satan go through the trouble of hiring protective detail at the beginning of the film? Bullets have no effect on him, and even if he was hit, he could just make the claim that the shooter missed. And it's not like he's overly worried about people discovering his true identity, since he blackmails and corrupts people throughout the movie.


Chosen answer: Satan had to protect the host's body from harm by the Catholic priests who might try to stop him with holy "weapons." At the end, when Jericho impales himself on Michael's sword, Satan is cast out of Jericho's body because of the holy power of the sword.


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