The Edge

Visible crew/equipment: While the 3 men are using a tree to cross a gorge during their first encounter with the bear, you can see a black metal box with white writing on it, sitting on a rock formation in the background. Definitely filming equipment or something. You can get a glimpse of it directly behind Charles as the 3 of them sit and gather their breath once the action breaks.

Continuity mistake: When Charles is showing Steve the constellations, the sky is pitch black. Yet in the next scene when Charles goes down to the shore to Bob, the sky has brightened considerably. No indication is given that a good deal of time has passed between these two scenes.

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Question: To find south why not look at the sun. East to West?

Answer: That would only work when the sun is visible. In Alaska there are frequent rainy and overcast days where the sun is completely blocked by heavy clouds, making a precise directional determination difficult, if not impossible.


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