Twelve Monkeys
Movie Quote Quiz

James Cole: I remember being afraid for that little boy. All alone, down that well, not knowing if anybody's going to get him out. First time I was ever really afraid when I was a kid.
Dr. Kathryn Railly: What do you mean, when you were a kid?
James Cole: Never mind. It's just a prank, a hoax. That boy's hiding in a barn.

Continuity mistake: In the final scene in which a man is shot in the airport (part of this scene actually recurs throughout the movie), the psychiatrist woman leans over him to hold him as he dies. From one angle, he reaches up to her face and his hand is clean. In the next angle, his hand is covered in blood as he touches her face.

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Trivia: The director chose Bruce Willis for the part for his ability to bring certain emotional themes into the diehard movie. He wanted that, but he also made a list of "Bruce Willis Cliches" he didn't want in the movie, including the "Iron Blue stare"

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Answer: Cole is screaming "Stop!" so you can't hear what the soldier is saying. If you mean all of it, it's in the line of asking what he is doing there, calling the captain to have a look, ask him where his clothes are, and telling him to speak French.


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