
Earthquake (1974)

73 mistakes

(2 votes)

Earthquake mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the cattle truck falls out of the collapsing highway, none of the cows move a single inch nor fall off, revealing the real truck was replaced with a miniature prop set.


Continuity mistake: When Rosa exits the cinema a woman in pink with a white purse runs away. Several seconds later she is inside the cinema and is running away again.


Continuity mistake: During the fight at the bar, the bald man is lying against the wall, with a man on top of him. Immediately after, barely half a second later, their positions are totally different: the bald man is away from the wall and on top of the other man plus the surrounding people have changed places and pool cues have appeared out of nowhere.


Continuity mistake: After Adams talks to the farmer, his aide is inside the trench, walking right next to the wooden ladder. A shot later he is four meters away from the ladder.


Continuity mistake: When the farmer asks Adams if he knows what he's doing, check the man in the background: He walks inside the ditch, then a shot later he is out and walking inside again; but then another shot afterwards he's out again and walking inside for the third time. All in a matter of 3 seconds. (00:18:40)


Revealing mistake: When Stewart climbs up the rope to save Sam, in the wide angles he is replaced by an obvious stunt: younger and with different haircut.


Continuity mistake: When talking to the farmer, Adams drops the papers on the floor. A shot later they're back in his hands, and he's dropping them again. (00:18:32)


Continuity mistake: Officer Chavez puts his left arm around the floodgate, but a shot later his arm is away, and he is repeating the previous movements. (01:05:32)


Continuity mistake: When the farmer visits Mr. Adams, he's alone inside the ditch. Half a second latter a man in a brown shirt is standing next to him. (00:18:29)


Earthquake mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the car chase comes to an end, check the curb where the cars drive over: a small ramp has been placed to allow for the stunts.


Earthquake mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the earthquake at the bar, a man in a yellow shirt crashes against the jukebox. A second later he is next to the pool table.


Earthquake mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Adams is inside the trench and dirt begins to pour, he is replaced by an obvious stuntman with a totally different hairstyle.


Revealing mistake: During the car chase (an obvious rear projection), Lew keeps turning the steering wheel around despite the car driving straight. (00:09:39)


Earthquake mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the quake at the Seismological Institute, one of the men's shirts changes from beige to dark brown between shots.


Earthquake mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the car chase ends, the speeding car stops next to a tree. A shot later the car is 10 meters away from it.


Audio problem: When Stewart leaves the parking lot, there's a cop holding a loudspeaker whose mouth doesn't match the audio at all.


Continuity mistake: When the bar is collapsing, the bags of crisps net to the drunk guy appear/disappear randomly between shots.


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Revealing mistake: When Denise picks up Corry, he has a silver patch underneath his shirt. Seemingly some sort of protection.


Earthquake mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Stewart arrives at Denise's place, a book suddenly appears on top of the books on the second shelf.


Continuity mistake: When the bald man is punching the other guy, the pool cues on the right appear and disappear between shots. (00:27:10)


Sgt. Lew Slade: Earthquakes bring out the worst in some people.

More quotes from Earthquake

Trivia: Walter Matthau plays the drunk who sits at the bar wearing a loud shirt and pimp hat. However, for the end credits his name is listed as "Walter Matuschanskayasky"

Mark Pitta 1

More trivia for Earthquake

Question: What happened to Miles? He stops his motorcycle to look back at the flood and - nothing else.

Answer: That has been a question of debate for years. Some say he died, others say he lived. The only real answer I can give is, there were talks of making a sequel. In it, Lou and Maria were living in San Francisco, while Miles and his partner were headlining his motorcycle act in Las Vegas, when another, stronger earthquake hits.

More questions & answers from Earthquake

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