
Continuity mistake: When the farmer asks Adams if he knows what he's doing, check the man in the background: He walks inside the ditch, then a shot later he is out and walking inside again; but then another shot afterwards he's out again and walking inside for the third time. All in a matter of 3 seconds. (00:18:40)


Continuity mistake: When talking to the farmer, Adams drops the papers on the floor. A shot later they're back in his hands, and he's dropping them again. (00:18:32)


Continuity mistake: Officer Chavez puts his left arm around the floodgate, but a shot later his arm is away, and he is repeating the previous movements. (01:05:32)


Continuity mistake: When the farmer visits Mr. Adams, he's alone inside the ditch. Half a second latter a man in a brown shirt is standing next to him. (00:18:29)


Earthquake mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the earthquake at the bar, a man in a yellow shirt crashes against the jukebox. A second later he is next to the pool table.


Earthquake mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the quake at the Seismological Institute, one of the men's shirts changes from beige to dark brown between shots.


Earthquake mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the car chase ends, the speeding car stops next to a tree. A shot later the car is 10 meters away from it.


Continuity mistake: When the bar is collapsing, the bags of crisps net to the drunk guy appear/disappear randomly between shots.


Earthquake mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Stewart arrives at Denise's place, a book suddenly appears on top of the books on the second shelf.


Continuity mistake: When the bald man is punching the other guy, the pool cues on the right appear and disappear between shots. (00:27:10)


Continuity mistake: When Miles is talking with Sal for the first time, a cigarette suddenly appears on Sal's lips. (00:20:32 - 00:23:30)


Continuity mistake: When the bar collapses, the drunk guy's hat is raised but a shot later it's tucked down. (00:57:30)


Continuity mistake: After the quake, people rush down and find a man hanging onto a beam. Sam walks down towards him. Shot changes, and he is several meters behind, walking down again.


Continuity mistake: Miles is attempting to spin through a loop on his motorcycle. The first time he performs the stunt, he drives half way and falls out of the loop and lands on the ground. As soon as he and the bike land, the bike is positioned with the bike's wheels facing away from the loop. Miles is then helped up and the bike has suddenly shifted 180°, with the wheels now facing towards the loop.

Casual Person

Continuity mistake: After the bar where the drunk collapses, there's a scene of an office where a piece of ceiling falls on the left side. A second later, the office is clean and the ceiling falls again.


Revealing mistake: When the airplane is coming in for a landing, we see an exterior shot of the plane shaking violently well before it has touched down. Clearly the "earthquake" effect is achieved by merely shaking the camera.

More mistakes in Earthquake

Sam Royce: Barbara, take off your pantyhose, damnit! You too, c'mon, take off your pantyhose.

More quotes from Earthquake
More trivia for Earthquake

Question: What was the point of the crazy soldier who shoots the black thieves and later gets shot dead by George Kennedy? Why was he so nutty, and quite frankly what purpose did he even serve in the film?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Before he put the uniform on, he was a complete nobody, having the respect of no-one. Now that he's in uniform, he demands that people should respect him, and coupled with the powers of Martial Law (where looters can be shot on sight), takes the lack of respect too far and shoots them.


More questions & answers from Earthquake

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