
Other mistake: There is a scene in which Piter DeVries is talking about the Landsraad (one of the governmental organizations in Dune). Twice he mispronounces the name, saying "Lansdraad" instead.

Revealing mistake: During the invasion of Dune by the Harkonnen, a Sardukar soldier throws a guard from what appears to be the palace's wall. When he hits the ground all the bodies around him bounce as if they where lying on some sort of cushion. (01:09:50)

More mistakes in Dune

Piter De Vries: As you instructed me, I have enlightened your nephews concerning my plan.
Baron Harkonnen: My plan.
Piter De Vries: ...the plan... to crush the Atreides.

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Trivia: The tendons on the worm when it gets hooked by Paul are made from condoms.


More trivia for Dune

Question: What's the relative timeline of this movie? It's stated that it starts in the year 10,191 but there don't seem to be any other dates besides that.

Answer: The entire DUNE universe is much more complicated than any movie. For a relatively useful timeline, see www.smirnov.demon.co.uk/Arrakis/timeline.htm.


More questions & answers from Dune

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