
Alia kills the Baron Harkonnen with a poisoned Gom Jabbar. The Fremen capture Arrakin City including the Emperor and his cohorts. Paul is challenged by Feyd Rautha (Sting) to a knife fight. Paul kills Feyd. Paul becomes an Emperor.


Continuity mistake: Depending on the version, in the final confrontation between the Emperor and the Harkonnen, and Paul and the Fremen, you can see Thufir Hawat standing in the crowd of the imperial side. After the battle between Paul and Sting he has suddenly disappeared. This is due to there being different, much longer versions of the same film. There is a 120 minute version, 180 and 190 minutes, and apparently in Singapore you can buy a 240 minute version. However, in the long versions the stains on Thufir's lips and Paul's totally blue eyes do not appear in the extra scenes: now you see it, now you don't.

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Trivia: The tendons on the worm when it gets hooked by Paul are made from condoms.


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Question: What's the relative timeline of this movie? It's stated that it starts in the year 10,191 but there don't seem to be any other dates besides that.

Answer: The entire DUNE universe is much more complicated than any movie. For a relatively useful timeline, see www.smirnov.demon.co.uk/Arrakis/timeline.htm.


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