Drop Dead Gorgeous

Other mistake: At the beginning of the movie it states that the documentary crew went to Mount Rose in 1995 for its fiftieth anniversary. Yet when the crew is interviewing Amber, after her costume is stolen, the graffiti on the wall next to her has the dates 1996 and 1997.

Other mistake: Near the end when showing Gladys in the paper, the article surrounding her photo is the same 2 paragraphs repeated over and over again.

luke f

Other mistake: At the beginning of the movie it states that the documentary crew went to Mount Rose in 1995 for its fiftieth anniversary. Yet when the crew is interviewing Amber, after her costume is stolen, the graffiti on the wall next to her has the dates 1996 and 1997.

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Colleen Douglas: I can sum up our entire philosophy with this glass. I can look at it and say it's half-full, which in the beauty pageant biz means "Where the hell's my waiter?"

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Trivia: A joke that most don't catch right away: When they're in the hospital after the explosion and the doctor's unwrapping Annette's hand and we see the beer can is still stuck to it. They only make a brief mention to this but never explain that the heat from the explosion made Annette's Lee press-on nails (which are plastic) melt around the beer can making it impossible to get the can off without amputation.

More trivia for Drop Dead Gorgeous

Question: How exaggerated are the characters' Minnesota accents?


More questions & answers from Drop Dead Gorgeous

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