
Drive (1997)

6 mistakes

(3 votes)

Continuity mistake: In the middle of the hotel fight when Toby and Deliverance go through the door in their hotel room you see the door open and a number of shots impact it. The characters then go through the second of the double doors. This is commented on in the DVD commentary. Not only do the bullets not go through the second door, they don't go through the first. On top of that, you see a shot with the two doors opened, but when the bad guys enter the room the double doors miraculously turn into just one! This layout is then used for the rest of the scene.

Continuity mistake: The scene of Mark fighting on the ship, at the beginning of the film, Mark does a side 360 degree spin off the ship, in the back ground is a steel cable, right in Mark's way, yet he misses it completely, and ends up in the sea.

Continuity mistake: In the end fight scene Mark Dacascos snaps a broomstick in half over his knee. You can see it splintered and the tip is light brown in colour. After he does his cool stick attack he pulls back into a stance. Look at both ends of the stick and it is a real kala stick - its ends are smooth and completely black.

Deliberate mistake: In the finale when Kadeem Hardison is beat up by the motorcyclists he performs a back somersault. As he falls to the floor, you see a white guy's back, despite the character being black.

Revealing mistake: Near the end of the film, when Dacascos is fighting that other guy from Hong Kong, if you watch just after he does this smart kick, the guy's actually an Asian stunt double, and a lot shorter than Dacascos (best seen on the DVD putting it in slow motion just before).

Factual error: In the scene where Deliverance is showing Mark her dad's hot rod, most of what she says about it is wrong. A rebuilt special edition 428 Hemi? Fuel injection for a 727? If it is a Hemi, it's a four-twenty-SIX and a 727 is a Plymouth transmission. You cannot fuel inject one. (00:43:43)

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Suggested correction: She says "enough fuel injection for a 747"

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