
Continuity mistake: When Bowen is dragged through the forest by Drago, we see him/stuntman hit a tree twice. Same shot, two different camera angles.

Continuity mistake: When Kara is in the village, people are throwing fruit and other things at her. When she turns around to face the man she has some dirt on her face, a few shots later there is a lot more dirt.

Continuity mistake: At the big fight between the peasants and Einon's knights, Bowen strikes one enemy from behind with his sword. Not only does it look like he strikes between upper torso and right arm, but also when he retrieves his sword, there is no blood stain on it.

Christoph Galuschka

Visible crew/equipment: When adult Kara is kneeling over her father's body, you can see the wood board through a hole in his shirt that the arrow is in. In seeing this, you also see the actor breathing. (00:24:31)

Other mistake: At the beginning when the king (Einon's father) grabs a torch and sets fire to the villagers' home, he only touches the corners of the roof. Yet seconds later, a fire suddenly begins inside the house...for no reason.

Gavin Jackson

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Suggested correction: Someone inside panicked and knocked a candle over?


Revealing mistake: When the peasants are fighting King Einon and his men, Karen swings an axe at the back of a man, but you can see her flipping it so the flat side goes against the guys back.

Factual error: When Draco is first "shot" to hustle money from the villagers, we see an overhead shot of him swimming underwater. However given the amount of water he's deplacing while swimming, we do not see any swell or disturbance due to water refraction of him beneath the surface that would clearly have been visible.


Audio problem: During the battle in the forest, Kara remarks, "Like a pudding", but her lips hardly move.

Revealing mistake: When Bowen is being pulled through the woods on his saddle, you can see the "rope" bend and snap like an antenna. (00:29:00)


Bowen: All my life I've dreamed of serving noble kings, noble ideals. Dreams die hard and you hold them in your hands long after they've turned to dust. I will not be that naive again.

More quotes from Dragonheart

Trivia: During the duel sequence between Dennis Quaid and David Thewlis, Quaid actually broke a finger and had to spend the final two weeks of production in a plaster cast.

More trivia for Dragonheart

Question: What is Brock doing with those guys in the banquet hall before Kara tries to kill Einon?

Answer: Some sort of game that is a test of strength.


More questions & answers from Dragonheart

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