
Revealing mistake: When Bowen cuts the shackles of the rebellion leaders, the wood is pre-cut. You can see the line. Bowen just knocks the halves apart.

Revealing mistake: During Draco's first "attack" on the peasants, the downdraft of his wings doesn't affect the corn or the buildings.

Revealing mistake: When Bowen is chasing Draco through the forest on his horse, the trail widens when the view is switched from side to front. This was so the inexperienced Dennis Quaid could be shown riding from the front. You can see it is his horse double in the side shot.

Revealing mistake: When the peasants are fighting King Einon and his men, Karen swings an axe at the back of a man, but you can see her flipping it so the flat side goes against the guys back.

Revealing mistake: When Bowen is being pulled through the woods on his saddle, you can see the "rope" bend and snap like an antenna. (00:29:00)


Continuity mistake: When Bowen first catches up to Draco under the waterfall, he is completely soaked as he stands there and talks to him. Draco takes off flying and Bowen goes after him on his horse and is now completely dry, hair and all.


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Bowen: All my life I've dreamed of serving noble kings, noble ideals. Dreams die hard and you hold them in your hands long after they've turned to dust. I will not be that naive again.

More quotes from Dragonheart

Trivia: The names of the dragonslayers hired by the Queen are Uhlric, Cavan, Ivor, Tavis, and Trahern, according to the novelization of the film by Charles Edward Pogue. None of the dragonslayers are listed in the credits.

More trivia for Dragonheart

Question: What is Brock doing with those guys in the banquet hall before Kara tries to kill Einon?

More questions & answers from Dragonheart

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