
Dragnet (1987)

1 corrected entry

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Corrected entry: In Streebek's favorite "coffee house", Pep asks Joe for twenty bucks to get info on an illegal drug lab where the bad guys were mixing the stolen chemicals. When the scene changes to the alley outside the supposed drug lab, Friday's narrative claims he paid out fifty dollars to the informant.

Movie Nut

Correction: While he did say $50, it is implied that it took more than the original $20 to bribe the guy to find out where the lab is located.

Continuity mistake: When their car blows up, look in the background and you can see Friday practically kneeling on the ground, and Streebeck falls over completely. Within two seconds (and a couple of cuts) they're both standing up, fully alert with their guns out - Friday might just have managed it at a push, but Streebeck went from face down on the pavement to upright far too quickly.

Jon Sandys Premium member

More mistakes in Dragnet

Narrator: Ladies and gentlemen, the story you are about to see is true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. For example, George Baker is now called Sylvia Wiss.


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