
Elf (2003)

45 mistakes

(40 votes)

Continuity mistake: In the scene in Central Park as Santa speaks with Michael, Santa's arm is either on the book of Christmas lists, or off it, as the scenes switch between looking over Michael's shoulder and over Santa's shoulder.


Elf mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where Buddy and Michael are leaving the school, a crew member is visible in the bottom left of the shot. At first, he is just standing there, but he then tries to hide inside a doorway. (00:52:00)

Other mistake: When Buddy's brother is reading Santa's list he reads the newscaster's wish he looks and mutters something about letters meaning they were in alphabetical order. However when he is saying random names he does not turn the page and the names are not in alphabetical order. (01:23:00)

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Suggested correction: After he says each name, it cuts to that person and their reaction. Most of which was done without going back to Michael. Therefore, we can't say he didn't turn the pages.


Deliberate mistake: In the orphanage scene, Santa's bag drops dead center in the fireplace. The noise of the impact gets baby Buddy's attention in a quick shot, and the camera shifts back to the fireplace. Now, the bag has shifted to the viewer's left when Santa's boots are coming down. The shift of the bag is presumably to make room for the boots coming down the chimney.


Continuity mistake: When Jovie kisses Buddy at the skating rink, her left hand is wrapped around Buddy's neck. The next shot of Jovie finishing her kiss has her hand in a different position.


Continuity mistake: When Walter is apologizing to Buddy in Central Park, the view over Walter's right shoulder shows he and Buddy looking at each other almost at eye-level. However, the scenes over Buddy's left shoulder shows him towering over Walter and Walter is also looking up at Buddy.


Continuity mistake: In the meeting scene with Miles Finch, Walter is speaking to Buddy. Behind Walter, Finch's right hand is resting on the edge of the table. The next shot shows Finch's same hand resting on his notebook.


Continuity mistake: When Buddy and Walter are on the landing of the stairwell at the police station, the view looking down on the duo shows Walter close to the wall and window, while the view of Walter's back shows both of them closer to the stairs and further from the window.


Continuity mistake: In the very beginning, when the nun puts the baby in the crib, she puts a blanket on him he pushes it down to his feet, then the camera goes to the nun walking out of the room, and when we see the baby again the blanket is covering him again. (00:04:25)

Continuity mistake: The scene in James Caan's publishing conference room when Buddy and Myles Finch are wrestling results in Buddy's foot hitting the far left picture of three pictures on the wall. The picture comes crashing down and you hear breaking glass. The next shot reveals the fallen picture back up on the wall unbroken. It is followed by the next shot showing the picture gone off the wall again.

Continuity mistake: After baby Buddy crawls out of Santa's bag at the North Pole workshop, he is partially sitting on the edge of the bag, grasping the leg of a teddy bear. The next shot and the baby is over a foot from the bag, and not holding on to the bear's leg, which is still in the bag.


Revealing mistake: In the beginning of the movie, there is a scene where Buddy hits his head on the roof of the house as he's running out. You can obviously see a machine pushed the snow forward to land on his head. [May be easier to see in fullscreen version]. (00:12:40)

Continuity mistake: When Emily is eating spaghetti, you can see she is only using a fork and there is a knife next to the plate. In the next shot the knife is now on the plate despite the fact she only uses the fork to eat throughout the scene (also there is no sauce on the knife so very doubtful she used it to help her eat the spaghetti). In the following shot of her the knife is back by the side of her plate again. (00:44:55)


Continuity mistake: In the scene when Jovie is asking Buddy why he was in the girls locker room, the amount of people in the background changes each time it cuts back from Buddy to Jovie. It goes from originally five people to three, back to five and so on. This is obviously a mistake because the characters in the background are the same when it's five and the same when it's three. (00:35:00 - 00:36:20)

Brandon Harwood

Continuity mistake: When Buddy eats dinner with his dad and "family", there is a piece of bread in front of the dad that has a bite taken out of it. Throughout the scene the bread changes positions. (00:43:30)

Continuity mistake: Buddy's left arm moves to support Baby Susie under her feet, but the next shot shows his left hand between Susie and his chest.


Continuity mistake: When Buddy has made breakfast for the family, Emily eats the spaghetti taking from the side of the plate and does not touch the top. When the camera goes back to the plate the spaghetti has been all stirred up with the sauce now mixed in, instead of just piled on top.

Continuity mistake: Right before Buddy drinks the bottle of soda pop, the bottle is across the table, next to Michael. The next shot shows Buddy drinking (quick grab). In the next few shots, the empty bottle appears and disappears next to Buddy while he's belching.


Revealing mistake: While we see Buddy drinking the entire bottle of Coke, it is quite obvious that he is not actually drinking it. Buddy has his lips firmly sealed around the end of the bottle and gulps down the entire lot. If he was drinking it, the bottle would have caved in as no air was getting inside. It was not even possible for him to blow air from his nose back into the bottle due to the fact that he is continuously gulping.


[Buddy sees the mail room for the first time.]
Buddy: It's just like Santa's workshop! Except it smells like mushrooms, and everyone looks like they want to hurt me.

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Trivia: Will Ferrell actually walked down Lincoln Tunnel in full costume, causing several minor accidents.

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Question: Has anyone noticed what looks exactly like a Buddy Elf doll standing on the kitchen counter during the breakfast scene where Buddy is pouring syrup for the mom? If you pause when the camera pulls back to show Buddy pouring syrup and the back of the moms head, you'll see the elf doll on the right side of the scene (our right, Buddy's left) facing away from the camera. It's on the counter directly below the cabinet knobs; behind the back of a chair and in front of what looks like a radio that sits against the counter wall. Ideas? Looks just like a Buddy doll to me.

Answer: It might just be a regular elf doll that, coincidentally, is dressed in real elf clothes.

Answer: This was probably deliberately added to the scene. Movies often add in-jokes like this. I believe it was "HP and the Chamber of Secrets" that while Harry, Ron, and Hermione are in Diagon Alley, the entire Harry Potter book series can be seen on a shelf in the background. In "Raiders of The Lost Ark," there are a little C-3PO and R2D2 carved into the stone hieroglyphs in the Well of Souls. "Jurassic Park" openly displayed JP merchandise, the same merchandise that was sold in stores. Filmmakers love to add little "Easter eggs" like that for audiences to find.


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