Desperado mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Salma Hayek is tossing the bullet she has just removed from Antonio Bandaras's shoulder, you can see the reflection of Robert Rodriguez holding the film camera on the metal dish.

Desperado mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Antonio Banderas throws his guitar case across the roof, then jumps after it and opens it. From the reverse angle the fake guitar inside is still in place, we then switch to it from from the front and it's instantly raised, with the guns visible instead.

Jon Sandys

Continuity mistake: When the bad guys try and kill Antonio Banderas in the bookstore, after killing about the third bad guy, you can clearly see his gun lock on an empty chamber, but there's a cut and he immediately carries on shooting.

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El Mariachi: Give me the strength to be what I was, and forgive me for what I am.

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Trivia: The same Ford pickup truck that was used (over and over again) in El Mariachi can be seen when he crosses a street near the beginning, you don't need to look very hard to find it.

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Question: What is the song that is being played with Quentin Tarantino as he is first appeared in the bar. (Mostly the lyrics in it are "ohs" and "ahs").

Answer: It is called "Pass The Hatchet", and it is written by Ray Theriot, Roger Leon Jr. & Earl Stanley Oropeza. It was performed by Roger & The Gypsies. If you buy the soundtrack CD, it is on there, too.


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