Demolition Man

Revealing mistake: When Simon Phoenix needs to get out of the cryo-prison, we are led to believe he removes the eyeball and put it on the nib of a fountain pen. When he scans the eyeball to get out of the prison, the outer edges shows that the scanned eyeball is still in the eye socket. You can see the eyelids on the in the top right and bottom right edges of the shot.


Factual error: The display on John Spartan's cryogenic reads, "August 3, 2032," which will fall on a Tuesday. Later that same day, Huxley says to Warden Smithers, "It's a beautiful Monday morning" (00:11:30 - 00:12:15)

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Trivia: Demolition Man contains several references to the novel "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley. Sandra Bullock's character's name is Lenina Huxley, from Lenina Crowne, a main character in the book, and the author's name. Sylvester Stallone's character is also named for a character in Brave New World, John the Savage. Also during the fight in the museum, Wesley Snipes says "such a brave new world".

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Question: I remember seeing this movie multiple times years back, and i distinctly remember the restaurant being Taco Bell, why the sudden badly dubbed pizza hut in the new television version?

Answer: A number of the European releases of the film replaced Taco Bell with Pizza Hut, as Pizza Hut has a significant international presence, whereas Taco Bell is relatively unknown outside the US, with very few restaurants. While most versions around these days keep the US original dialogue, the altered versions do occasionally crop up, particularly on television.


Answer: In South Africa we also had a version that called the restaurant Burger King. I just always assumed that they changed the name when a franchise offered them more money for product placement.

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