Demolition Man

Continuity mistake: When Phoenix is talking to his group, one of the guys says, "You mean, we get to kill John Spartan?" Phoenix says, "Exactly," and you see a shot of more men at the table, including Jesse Ventura laughing. There is a girl on the lap of the guy who asked. In the very next shot that shows Phoenix, she's standing off to the side, a step or two away from the guy that she was sitting on the lap of.

Continuity mistake: In Cockto's office, Phoenix gets up from the chair behind the desk, turning it clockwise to get up. But, when he's at the window, reciting a couple of cities, the chair is turned to squarely face the desk.

Other mistake: When Spartan is talking to the old Zack Lamb, he says, "Shit, you were a damn good flier." When says "shit", the morality machine buzzes, but the red light doesn't come on until he says "damn," where it buzzes again.

Continuity mistake: When the small disk-like objects are placed on Spartan before he gets frozen, the one on his head is right on his temple. But, when it cuts to the future and shows him in the block of ice after an employee wipes the frost off the date display, the disk on his head is more forward, almost above his eye.

Continuity mistake: When Spartan, Huxley, and Garcia get in the car to head to the museum, Spartan sits behind the wheel. In the shot from the front, you can see that the wheel Is open (self-drive mode), but when it shows what he sees, it's closed (auto-drive mode). When he switches with Huxley, you see her sit down from the front, and she grabs the wheel in self-drive mode again.

Other mistake: When Huxley delivers the line "Let's blow this guy" a hair, fiber, or scratch is visible on the film at the bottom of the screen slightly right of center. The contaminant is visible again when Huxley delivers the line "Whatever" a few seconds later.


Revealing mistake: When Simon Phoenix needs to get out of the cryo-prison, we are led to believe he removes the eyeball and put it on the nib of a fountain pen. When he scans the eyeball to get out of the prison, the outer edges shows that the scanned eyeball is still in the eye socket. You can see the eyelids on the in the top right and bottom right edges of the shot.


Continuity mistake: In the car chase he crawls out of the window, the next shot shows the car door is open.

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Suggested correction: He doesn't crawl out the window, this type of car door has only glass above the door so with the glass down he can go out before fully opening the door. You just don't see him opening the door in the previous shot.


Continuity mistake: When Spartan is swearing at the verbal morality machine and pulls out several citations at once (the last ones he grabs), an actor and actress standing directly behind him start to walk away and go off screen to the right behind Spartan. The view snaps to Huxley and Garcia, then back to Spartan. When it snaps back to Spartan, the same two are standing directly behind Spartan again and start to walk away to the right again.


Continuity mistake: When Huxley, Spartan and the other guy get in the police car to go to the museum they are all wearing sunglasses. In the very next shot all three are not wearing them.

Continuity mistake: In the opening credits when Spartan is frozen, both hands are up either side of his head. In the very next shot his left hand is by his head, but his right arm is out stretched and in a down position, impossible as he is frozen. Also his mind altering sensors are on the left side of his head and body before freezing, next shot they are on the right side of his body.

Other mistake: As Phoenix starts to say, "Spartan? John Spartan? They'll let anyone into this century," you can see the podium Phoenix is ducking behind shift to one side unnaturally, indicating an editing error.

Revealing mistake: During the slo-mo portion of the fight between Spartan and Phoenix, Snipes intentionally slowed down his movements to allow Stallone more time to smash the glass tube; this is not consistent with the other fights in the film where Snipes was always quicker with his actions.

Other mistake: During John Spartan and Simon Phoenix's first fight in the museum, Phoenix hides behind a statue/display and swears, but the machine that gives the Verbal Morality Code, things do not go off, like they did before for Phoenix.

Russel Denton

Continuity mistake: When Spartan starts shooting up the screens with Cockteau's face on them, he fires more than eight shots (for eight screens), but there are at least two screens remaining when Cockteau chastises Spartan. Surely, someone like Spartan would not use more than one bullet per screen. Where did the other shots go?

Revealing mistake: During the fight at the end the blood spot on Spartan's top looks more like an ironed on T-shirt transfer than a tear and cut, you can also see the shine from on it from the surrounding lights.

Demolition Man mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Cryo-Prison worker opens the cabinet that holds the cylinders that contain the blue "freezing balls" to freeze Spartan's slush, the slot on the center left is empty. When the shot changes to the worker pulling the cylinder out, the slot to the lower left is now the empty one. (00:09:45)

Continuity mistake: During the Oldsmobile dealership scene two robed citizens are shown to be looking at small scale model cars on the rear wall (blue car) and side wall (red car) in the showroom. When Huxley and Spartan bust through the floor in the elevator the two citizens are missing. (01:30:50)

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Trivia: In some versions, all references to Taco Bell are changed to Pizza Hut. (00:57:15)

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Question: I remember seeing this movie multiple times years back, and i distinctly remember the restaurant being Taco Bell, why the sudden badly dubbed pizza hut in the new television version?

Answer: A number of the European releases of the film replaced Taco Bell with Pizza Hut, as Pizza Hut has a significant international presence, whereas Taco Bell is relatively unknown outside the US, with very few restaurants. While most versions around these days keep the US original dialogue, the altered versions do occasionally crop up, particularly on television.


Answer: In South Africa we also had a version that called the restaurant Burger King. I just always assumed that they changed the name when a franchise offered them more money for product placement.

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