Dolores Claiborne

Audio problem: In the shots of Detective John Mackey standing by the window looking out of the blinds at Selena, while he's on the telephone, as he speaks, nothing that we hear matches up with the movements of the side of his mouth. It is very clearly out of sync, and audio is heard when the mouth is still. (00:07:55)


Continuity mistake: When Selena is leaving on the ferry near the end, and Detective John Mackey pulls up and watches her drifting away, as he gets out of the car the windsheild wipers stop moving. In the next behind shot of him standing at the dock edge, watching, they are back on again. (01:43:05)


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Vera Donovan: Husbands die every day, Dolores. Why... one is probably dying right now while you're sitting here weeping. They die... and leave their wives their money. I should know, shouldn't I? Sometimes they're driving home from their mistress' apartment and their brakes suddenly fail. An accident, Dolores, can be an unhappy woman's best friend.

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