Dazed and Confused

Plot hole: Where are all the graduating students? The ones that are going to be seniors the next fall are established. But what about the ones who graduated? There is absolutely no sign of any one of them anywhere, not at the Emporium, that at the outdoor party, nowhere.

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Suggested correction: When Randy, Tony, Mike and Cynthia are all standing outside the classroom trying to convince Tony to come to the party, Mike mentions that all the graduating seniors are away on their senior class trip.

Factual error: During one of the scenes, you see a guy on a motorcycle wearing a Misfits jacket. The movie takes place in '76, but the Misfits didn't form until '77.

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David Wooderson: That's what I love about these high school girls, man. I keep getting older, they stay the same age.

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Trivia: The beer drunk by most of the cast was actually real beer.


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