Dawn of the Dead

Other mistake: In the aerial shots of the semis being driven in the mall parking lot, the zombies are milling about. Notice they have left a path just clear enough for the truck. (01:02:40)

Other mistake: At the small airport after the heroes flee Philly, Peter walks into the office and is startled by a sound beyond the door. Thinking it is a zombie, he begins to fill the door with holes, about five of them. On the last shot, the door merely chips and does not leave a bullet hole. This can only be seen in the DVD version. (00:25:00)

Other mistake: During the truck scene, when zombies attack Roger the first time, as Peter shoots the zombie that Roger is fighting, he supports his M16 from its carrying handle, thus blocking the rear sight (which is located in said handle). He does this in several scenes throughout the movie, but in the truck scene accuracy is crucial.

Other mistake: On the initial trip to Penneys in the Mall, a zombie manages to get through the door. After Peter closes the door Roger shoots the zombie, the bullet goes through his head as the exit blood spatter suggests, but there's no entry wound.


Continuity mistake: When a zombie's head is held up in the truck to be shot, there is a big splatter of blood down on the face of the soldier. He wipes a very small amount of blood off, but when he gets into the other truck he is perfectly clean. (01:05:05)

More mistakes in Dawn of the Dead

Dr. Foster: Every dead body that is not exterminated becomes one of them. It gets up and kills! The people it kills get up and kill.

More quotes from Dawn of the Dead

Trivia: A few actors are in both Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead, playing different roles in either movie. Joe Pilato plays one of the guys at the dock in Dawn, and Rhodes in Day. Taso Stavrakis (aka Taso Stavrakos) is Sledge in Dawn, and one of the soldiers in Day.

More trivia for Dawn of the Dead

Question: When the group first meet up at the dock, just as they are about to set off in the helicopter, when Roger closes the door, he then looks out of the window - eventually he gives a smiling nod. This could simply be a nod to the other group but it seems as if it may have been unintentional possibly as if he thought that the camera had stopped rolling. Curious to see if anyone could clarify it. Maybe I'm just looking too much into the film.


Answer: One of the cops that was with Joe Plato (how much you have seen of them will depend on which version of the movie you, but I HIGHLY recommend the fan made/edited 'Extended Mall Hours' cut on YouTube) asked them for cigarettes. You'll notice that Roger and Fran lit up cigarettes as they were taking off, that's what Roger was laughing at.

More questions & answers from Dawn of the Dead

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