Dawn of the Dead

Deliberate mistake: When the zombie (Tom Savini) is hit by a truck and spits a bunch of blood on the windshield, when he gets hit, the truck isn't moving at all. He runs into the car and spits blood to simulate being hit. It's hard to catch, but it's more obvious in slow motion. (Mentioned on DVD commentary.)

Dawn of the Dead mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Roger hits the zombie with the truck, notice at the bottom right a trampoline from which the zombie jumps off. (01:04:55)

More mistakes in Dawn of the Dead

Peter: Roger, get your head together, we got a lot of work to do.
Roger: Number two.
Peter: You all right?
Roger: Perfect, baby. Perfect.

More quotes from Dawn of the Dead

Trivia: While the two men are preparing for the raiders towards the film's end (as they lower the gates, etc.), the music playing is the same as that which accompanied the opening credits of "Monty Python and the Holy Grail."

More trivia for Dawn of the Dead

Question: Wouldn't the mall staff have removed any gas from the car parked inside the mall?

Answer: Not necessarily, there are many instances where cars are parked inside of malls or even stadiums for promotional purposes. It is a lot easier to have gas in the car if it needs to be moved or replaced for any reason.


More questions & answers from Dawn of the Dead

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