Airplane mistake picture

Revealing mistake: In the dance sequence, we see Elaine twirling Ted around and throwing him into the crowd. Watch the top-right-corner of your screen, as the stunt-double lands in the audience you can see Robert Hays (Ted Striker) in the top-right-corner waiting to pop out. (00:19:10)

Airplane trivia picture

Trivia: Towards the end of the credits, there is a paragraph that states "Unauthorized duplication, distribution, or exhibition may result in civil liability and criminal prosecution. SO THERE." (01:27:05)

Jackie Menechino

Airplane mistake picture

Revealing mistake: During the disco scene, Elaine is dancing with a fisherman who was just stabbed in the back. The fisherman has a knife sticking out of his back and you can clearly see the block that the knife is stuck in protruding from his shirt. There are holes from other takes too. (00:18:15)

Airplane mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: In the beginning where the camera is following some of the characters to appear later in the film, when we see the Harii Krishna guys a cameraman and a camera on a dolly track are reflected in a shadow on them for a few seconds. (00:02:30)

Airplane trivia picture

Trivia: Director Jim Abrahams has two roles in this movie. The first role was that of the bicycle rider that yells back at Kramer after Kramer hits him on the road. He also plays a role as a solicitor at the airport. He is the one who pauses after seeing how Kramer is treating the other solictors. (00:52:10 - 00:54:55)

Paul Pepiton

Airplane mistake picture

Continuity mistake: On the beach, Elaine's hair is semi-wet and fluffy on close shots but soaked and straight in wide ones, and Striker's hair changes to soaked and messy, with two bits of hair sticking out, to wet but not messy. (00:23:50)


Airplane mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the kissing on the beach, the seaweed on Striker's body and the lobster behind Elaine disappear when the second wave comes. (00:24:35)


Airplane mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: At the point where Striker is walking through the tunnel to board the plane near the beginning, for a split second, one can see a section of cable lying on the floor and a crewmember off to the side. (00:04:35)

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Suggested correction: Wings don't sprout out of a plane's nose. They would be significantly further back on the fuselage and out of sight.

Except you can see on either side of the nose, there's nothing blocking the view of the wings. There's no way for them to be so far back that you couldn't see them.


Airplane mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After you see all the newspapers talking about the plane, and when you see the drummer on TV who speaks by drum tones, when the drums are handed to him the ends of the sticks are round, but when he looks to HIS left, after the camera changes position, they're not round anymore. (01:04:45)


Airplane mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the Girl Scout crashes into the jukebox, you can see the lights turn on before she hits it. (00:17:10)

Airplane mistake picture

Revealing mistake: In the flashback scene in the bar, one of the girl scouts slams the other girl scout onto the floor and one can see the mat that the girl lands on. It had been covered in dirt or dust but when the girl lands it is swept away and you can see one of the corners of the mat. (00:16:40)


Airplane mistake picture

Other mistake: When Johnny reads in the folded newspaper, 'There's a sale at Penny's!', the viewer can read the headlines right way up - which means, from his side, he is holding the paper upside down.

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Suggested correction: It's a reasonable bet that this was done deliberately as a sight gag. Throughout the movie, Johnny is portrayed as being somewhat 'special'.

Airplane mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After the landing, Striker has big sweat stains under his arms and over his chest - but when he leaves the cockpit, his back is completely dry. (01:17:31 - 01:17:59)

Airplane mistake picture

Revealing mistake: In the dance sequence, we see Elaine twirling Ted around and throwing him into the crowd. Watch the top-right-corner of your screen, as the stunt-double lands in the audience you can see Robert Hays (Ted Striker) in the top-right-corner waiting to pop out. (00:19:10)

More mistakes in Airplane

Gunderson: He's all over the place! Nine hundred feet up to 1300 feet. What an asshole!

More quotes from Airplane

Trivia: The credits list "generally in charge of a lot of things" as one of the job titles. (01:26:00)

More trivia for Airplane

Question: When Over's wife gets the call about her husband's plane having problems, there is a horse in bed with her and she tells the horse to let himself out. This is the only joke in the movie I didn't understand. Is there anybody out there who got the joke and can help me understand it?

Answer: This is a reference to The Godfather, where a character being intimidated by the Mafia wakes up with his prize racehorse's severed head next to him on the bed. For comedy purposes this is twisted by the movie as an implied sexual relationship, when the horse is revealed to be alive.

Answer: This is an inside joke that Mrs. Over is cheating on her husband with a horse.

More questions & answers from Airplane

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