
Continuity mistake: The plane we see at the end dragging on the ground and taking off is a 707. 707's have four engines: two on each wing. However, the plane we see in the air is a 727. 727's have three engines: one on each side of the rear fuselage and one on the vertical stabilizer. (00:08:10 - 00:27:10)

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Suggested correction: The exterior shots are all of a 707 (2 engines on each wing) until the very end of a movie. After Otto and his wife take off again, a 727 is flying away, but only that once.

Airplane mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the kissing on the beach, the seaweed on Striker's body and the lobster behind Elaine disappear when the second wave comes. (00:24:35)


Revealing mistake: When the girl scouts are fighting, the pad on one of the girl's back to protect her when falling is visible beneath her shirt. (00:16:40)


Revealing mistake: In the beginning, when the girl is running along-side the plane (pretending it's a train), you can see white knee-pads under her skirt to protect her when she runs into metal structures on the tarmac. (00:13:10)


Airplane mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: At the point where Striker is walking through the tunnel to board the plane near the beginning, for a split second, one can see a section of cable lying on the floor and a crewmember off to the side. (00:04:35)

Continuity mistake: When the 747 crashes into the terminal window, the red stripes wrap all the way around the nose of the plane. In the previous shot, the stripes came to a point and ended several feet back. (00:04:00)

Revealing mistake: When Otto Pilot is inflated, you can see a 'helping hand' pushing him up. (00:42:25)

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Suggested correction: Wings don't sprout out of a plane's nose. They would be significantly further back on the fuselage and out of sight.

Except you can see on either side of the nose, there's nothing blocking the view of the wings. There's no way for them to be so far back that you couldn't see them.


Revealing mistake: When Elaine is visiting Ted at the mental hospital and she says Lt. Zipp died this morning, when Ted picks up the water right before he spits, there's the same amount in the glass when he picked it up and set it down. So he didn't drink anything or spit any water. (00:28:50)


Visible crew/equipment: When the vulture appears behind Striker, notice a moving white stick on the left side of the screen used by the animal handler offscreen.


Audio problem: When the woman at the metal detector says to the man with the metal arm and leg "Would you put all your metals objects into this dish please", her mouth doesn't move for the second half of the sentence. (00:03:00)

Casual Person

Airplane mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After you see all the newspapers talking about the plane, and when you see the drummer on TV who speaks by drum tones, when the drums are handed to him the ends of the sticks are round, but when he looks to HIS left, after the camera changes position, they're not round anymore. (01:04:45)


Revealing mistake: In the scenes in the cockpit, when Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (Murdoch) is talking, you can see his eyes move back and forth like he's reading from a cue-card.

Revealing mistake: In the flashback dance scene, Ted does a Russian sort of dance. Throughout the scene, you can see the black wires holding him up. Just look to the slightly right or left of him as he dances. (00:20:32)

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Ted has driven the man in the turban to burn himself to death by telling him boring stories, you can see that the man has something on his pants resembling liquid before he pours gasoline on himself. (00:48:50)

Gunderson: He's all over the place! Nine hundred feet up to 1300 feet. What an asshole!

More quotes from Airplane

Trivia: One of the special thanks in the end credits is to the Argon Oil Company, a fictional company in another ZAZ movie, "Kentucky Fried Movie". Argon is actually an elemental gas. (01:26:50)

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Question: Captain Oveur was saying things to Joey. What I didn't understand is the jokes behind the lines "Have you ever been in a Turkish Prison" and "Do you like movies about gladiators." What are the jokes behind these? Please explain. Thank-you.


Chosen answer: All of his questions to Joey are filled with homosexual innuendos; the perverted captain is trying to see if Joey has any such tendencies. In a Turkish prison, men who are sexually frustrated will resort to "companionship" with other men (even forcefully). Movies about gladiators depict ripped, muscular men, and the question about seeing a "grown man naked" obviously fits the pattern.

Matty Blast

The gladiator reference is about Spartacus. There is a scene in there about homosexuality.

What scene are you talking about? If you mean the "snails and oysters" scene, that was not part of the movie until it was restored in 1991.

Answer: I believe this joke is just to make the watcher extremely uncomfortable and it works great.

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