
Revealing mistake: When Ted Dansen gets buried in the sand, there isn't any extra sand piled up that was displaced by his body being in the hole.

Continuity mistake: When Henry enters the graveyard to look for Badelia the hanging lantern (which she previously hit her hat on) has now gone.


Revealing mistake: In the beginning, just before the little boy gets slapped by his father, the red mark is already there.


Continuity mistake: Near the end of the "Father's Day" story, Sylvia gets impatient and goes to the kitchen calling to Mrs. Danvers. She sees the muddy footprints and investigates further. Mrs. Danvers' corpse falls against the back of the kitchen door with her face in the round window. As Sylvia lets go of the door, you can see the dead Mrs. Danvers blink as she slides across the window out of view.

Factual error: In the first story, Father's Day, it is dark at 7:00. In the middle of June, the sun stays up until at least 8. Or even 9 up north.

Other mistake: The creep tells us that this is the first issue, but mere seconds after the famous ending of Father's Day we see fan mail on the second page, impossible for the first issue. (00:21:05)

Wilma Northrup: Now get out of my way, Henry, or I swear to God you'll be wearing your balls for earrings.

More quotes from Creepshow

Trivia: In almost every story told in the movie, there is an ashtray that is used as an ashtray, as a soap dish and as a place you can put lose change, rings etc. This is done deliberately by the director, it has become his personal trademark.

More trivia for Creepshow

Question: I've looked through all the comic book stores in my area and I can't find any Creepshow comic books. I know the books are real (albeit written after the show), does anyone know where to find them?

Answer: Ebay.


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