28 Days Later

Easter egg: When you enter the special features "Alternate ending" page, what you see is not always what you get. If you go down, highlight Main Menu, then hit right, you will highlight a little arrow. Hit enter to access a fantastic storyboard Radical alternate ending.


Continuity mistake: When Jim and the other two characters are making their way to Jim's parents house, they are seen on the Docklands Light Railway track going towards a place called Island Gardens. The next shot shows them at a station called East India which is completely the other direction to where they were going down the track. Obviously, only users of the railway would pick up on such error though.


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Jim: No, no. No, see this is a really shit idea. You know why? Because it's really obviously a shit idea.

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Trivia: Mark was likely not infected. The wound on his arm was clean-cut and probably from either glass or a weapon wound. A bite mark would look very different. It is likely that he asked Selena to wait because he was scared and knew what she was like.

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Question: At the end we are left with the question of the pilot's intentions, and what happened. Is he going to help them, or pull an about-face and machine-gun them down thinking they're infected?

Answer: That question is actually answered. The pilot is speaking Finnish, and he says into the radio "lähetätkö helikopterin" which translates as "Can you please send a helicopter?" Looks like he was actually helping them after all, and there is still some civilization (or at least people with radios and helicopters).

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