Die Another Day
Die Another Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the final fight scene on the plane between Jinx and Agent Frost, Jinx is slashed across her stomach, drawing blood. In a later scene, when Jinx and 007 are pouring diamonds over one another in the hut on the cliff, her stomach is unblemished. (02:02:25)

Die Another Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Jinx and Bond sneak onto Graves' plane, Jinx can be seen with a nickel-plated pistol (this is also evident throughout the entire film). Yet, when Jinx is in the cockpit and Frost tells her to hand over the gun, it's now no longer nickel-plated but standard gunmetal black. (01:52:20)

Die Another Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bond first sees Jinx get out of the water, she is naturally dripping wet. After it cuts to him, it cuts back to her, and she is already bone dry as she is picking up her towel to dry off. (00:34:55)

Die Another Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the car chase on the ice, Bond's Aston Martin flips over. You can see the left wing mirror break off as this happens, together with a chunk of something else. When the car flips back over, the wing mirror's back on in one piece. A chunk of something else falls off though, but there's no visible damage to the car afterwards. (01:35:10)

Die Another Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the beginning, James Bond steals a suitcase full of diamonds. He takes the compartment with the diamonds out, and sets a bomb under it. When we see him putting the C4 in it, we can see that the explosive is very nearly as high as the edge of the case, but the diamond compartment fits back inside perfectly. How? (00:03:00)

Die Another Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Just before Zao runs to the helicopter, he smashes nearly all the glass out of a stained-glass window. There's then an explosion which removes what little glass remains. But when the rubble lands and blocks the window, there's still a decent amount of glass left in the frame. (00:44:30)

Continuity mistake: Bond opens up the necklace that Zao had and there are 4 diamonds inside. Later when he shows them to M it changes to 5. Where did that extra diamond come from? It can't be that Graves gave him another one after Bond's bet - that was settled by cheque. (00:59:50)

Continuity mistake: Given the amount of time Bond was maltreated by the North Koreans you'd think he would have suffered the effects of malnourishment (lost weight, muscle tone). Yet when he is seen bare-chested after the prisoner exchange, he appears perfectly fit and is able to win a physically demanding sword fight against Gustav Graves. (00:21:45)

Continuity mistake: Jinx shoots the doctor twice, once through the cheque, and once in the neck/throat. In the next scene, the two bullet holes are in his upper left chest. Plus when Bond finds him, there's no blood on the body. (00:44:40)

Continuity mistake: Just after James loses the hind legs of the rocket sled in the scene where he is being followed by the huge beam of light from the Icarus craft, the back end of the vehicle gives off smoke. But when you next see a picture of the whole vehicle a few shots later, there is no smoke. (01:28:45)

Die Another Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bond cuts the hole in the ice, he uses the laser on his watch at an angle. Yet he still manages to cut a perfectly round circle with vertical sides. (01:19:40)

Continuity mistake: During the battle in North Korea, the General's son's hovercraft smashes into a fence and dives into the water. It makes a little hole in the fence. When Bond arrives, the whole fence is destroyed. (00:09:30)

Continuity mistake: As Graves says "Global warming. . ." watch Miranda Frost's hands. They're clasped in front of her. A second later, as Graves finishes his line and the generals bow to him, her hands her are on her hips. It's too quick a shot for her to have simply moved them.

Die Another Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The first time we see the inside of the transport plane, the helicopter is very close to the yellow car, with its tail sticking most of the way over it. When Bond and Jinx come to escape and start up the conveyer belt, the yellow car's nowhere near the tail. Nothing to do with the conveyer itself - it's just two standard belts moving backwards. The car can't move any faster than the chopper. (01:58:10)

Jon Sandys

Continuity mistake: When Bond rescues Jinx from the frozen water, for the same angle his hair has two styles and keeps swapping between shots: Sticky fringe to the right, loose fringe to the left.


Continuity mistake: When Bond goes over the ice cliff into the sea he surfs a wide stretch of sea, flies up onto an ice edge on the other side, catches a guy on a snowmobile and is suddenly back at the ice palace - which should by then be far behind him.

Jacob La Cour

Die Another Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Before Bond and Jinx get on board the plane, a long shot shows its nose to be solid, as normal. But in the first shot of the inside, when Graves enters, the nose is entirely paned glass. (01:45:10)

Continuity mistake: During the training program, Bond shoots M to make the gunman release her. We then cut to a closeup of Bond shooting, and you can see the slide cycles, then locks back (it's a quick shot, but the earlier shot of him shooting at M shows how quickly the slide should move forwards), showing the gun's out of ammo, despite only having reloaded 4 shots earlier. It then cuts to the gunman being hit, and Bond fires again. Now that's some speedy reloading... (01:01:30)

Jon Sandys

Die Another Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Gustav Graves is demonstrating the power of Icarus, the audience has their sunglasses on to block the sunlight. After Icarus is shut down we see a shot of a man and a woman behind Bond to each side without sunglasses on (just after the shot of the 3 guys in suits removing their glasses). When we cut out to a wide shot we see these two people removing their glasses. (01:12:25)

Die Another Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Bond and Jinx cuts the fence to get onto the plane it is totally black night. But when the plane takes off it is broad daylight. (01:45:00)

Jacob La Cour

Die Another Day mistake picture

Plot hole: In the pre-title sequence, James Bond travels in a hovercraft along the dirt road, which is full of landmines. Soon after reaching the waterfall at the end, trucks drive up along the road he just drove in on to capture him. As there was only one road into the waterfall complex, the landmines must have all disappeared, as earlier on in that sequence, we are informed that the only way that the North Koreans can avoid the mines along that road is by hovercraft. (00:12:05)

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James Bond: Vodka martini, plenty of ice... If you can spare it.

More quotes from Die Another Day

Trivia: The name of the hotel that Bond visits in Hong Kong is The Rubyeon Royale Hotel. "Ruby" for the 40th anniversary of the James Bond series, "Eon" for EON Productions, producers of the series, and "Royale" for Casino Royale, the first Ian Fleming James Bond novel.

More trivia for Die Another Day

Question: In "The World Is Not Enough" Bond, using his intuition, correctly assessed that Elektra King had sided with the villain. So why did he never suspect for a second that Miranda Frost had done the same in this film?

Answer: Bond's suspicions about Elektra King were triggered by his discovery that her head of security, Davidov, was working with Renard. With Miranda Frost, there was nothing that would have led Bond to believe she was a double agent working for Graves/Moon in any capacity other than her undercover MI6 assignment.


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