The Client

Trivia: In the movie, Reggie comments on Mark's Led Zepplin t-shirt, saying they were a great band. Mark accuses her of being one of those adults who pretends to like cool bands to get close to little punks like him. This parallels an incident where Brad Renfro was reading for the role of Mark, and a suit in the production office saw his Megadeath t-shirt and claimed to like that band, too. Renfro said the same thing to the producer that Mark eventually says to Reggie in the film.


Trivia: Micole Mercurio plays Susan Sarandon's mother in the film, even though in real life she's only eight years older than Sarandon.

Continuity mistake: At the end of the movie when the mob guys come to the boat house to move the body, Barry the Blade shoots a raccoon with his gun which has a silencer. But, later when Reggie shoots the neighbor's alarm system with Barry's gun, it does not sound like it has a silencer anymore.

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Suggested correction: The silencer fell off the gun when "the blade" tackled the kid and Reggie. They show the silencer falling off the gun into the leaves.

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Mark: Thanks Rev. Roy, you've been a real pain in the ass.
Roy: Thank you, son. I can assure you, you have been an even larger pain in the ass.

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Chosen answer: He says "That's a pretty suit, chérie", chérie being French for dear. The film is set in Louisiana where French and Creole are spoken.


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