The Client
Movie Quote Quiz

Roy: Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, so sayeth the Psalms.
Judge Harry Roosevelt: That's Proverbs 12:22.

Mark: Thanks Rev. Roy, you've been a real pain in the ass.
Roy: Thank you, son. I can assure you, you have been an even larger pain in the ass.

Lawyer's Secretary: Where are your parents?
Mark: Where are yours?
Lawyer's Secretary: Are you even injured?
Mark: Do I look injured?
Lawyer's Secretary: Well, we only do injuries.
Mark: Well, I'll just go get hit by a truck and come back.

Dianne Sway: Alls I ever wanted was a white house with a walk-in closet.

Revealing mistake: When Brad Renfro is standing outside Reggie Love's house, hitch-hiking, he is laughing so hard he has to turn away from the camera, and even then he is still visibly shaking with laughter.

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Trivia: Micole Mercurio plays Susan Sarandon's mother in the film, even though in real life she's only eight years older than Sarandon.

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Question: When Reggie is negotiating with Reverend Roy and tells him that Marks mum wants a walk-in closet, Roy responds with "Walk-in. Is that hyphenated?" Although I gather that Roy was being sarcastic, I still have no idea what that comment means. Any help would be great.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Meaning is the word walk-in hyphenated.... walkin or walk-in.


Answer: I saw his question "Is walk-in hyphenated?" as a touch of humor.

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