The Cider House Rules

Continuity mistake: When Charlize Theron leaves the orphanage, she lies in the car's back seat because she doesn't feel well. However, she is shown sitting upright as they drive away, but lying down again in the scene after.

Continuity mistake: When the couple is parked at a drive-in cinema and watching a dark screen because of a blackout during World War 2, the shape of the screen is that for widescreen or Cinemascope movies, not common until about 10 years later.

Visible crew/equipment: When Homer follows Rose Rose inside after finding out she's pregnant, there is a visible "T" taped on the floor for him to stand on.

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Homer: I'm just not supposed to get excited, you know. No strain. No stress. I try to keep calm all the time.
Wally Worthington: I can't imagine there's any strain or stress around here.

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Trivia: This film earned Michael Caine his second Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. He won his first for his role in "Hannah and Her Sisters."

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Question: Is it ever revealed why Candy has the abortion? She is in a relationship with the baby's father, they both have jobs, etc. Is it because she doesn't want to raise the baby herself while he's at war?

Answer: She was not married to the baby's father, which would have been an absolute stigma at the time.

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