Chinatown trivia picture

Trivia: Director Roman Polanksi makes a cameo as the hood who knifes Jake's nose.

Cubs Fan

Chinatown mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Gittes visits the orange grove and crashes into the tree, you can see that a steel plate has been placed around the tree to protect it.

Chinatown mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Gittes goes to Evelyn's house before she tells him the truth about her and Katherine, one of her servants opens the door and you can see in that precise moment the shadow of the camera on the door jamb on the left and on the wall next to the stairs while approaching to the actors. (01:47:23)

Continuity mistake: After Jake walks threw the door at 1972 Canyon Drive the mirrored makeup case in front of the staircase moves between shots. At first the top is angled slightly, then when we see it again it's opened fully and straight up in the air. (01:48:10)


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Noah Cross: 'Course I'm respectable. I'm old. Politicians, ugly buildings, and whores all get respectable if they last long enough.

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Chinatown trivia picture

Trivia: Director Roman Polanksi makes a cameo as the hood who knifes Jake's nose.

Cubs Fan

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