
Question: It's clear from the film that the Pittsburgh Conservatory of Dance is a ballet-only or ballet-heavy institution. So why would Alex, with no ballet training (sorry, but you can't "wing it" when dancing en pointe) and whose dance audition is nothing like ballet, even audition there? And why on earth would any dance company take someone whose dancing ability, great though it might be, doesn't match their style? Philadelphia and New York have plenty of dance institutions more suited to Alex's dancing style - why doesn't she go there to audition?

Answer: It states early in the film that Alex went to the ballet and was enchanted by it and started her love of dancing. Her girlhood dream was always to be a part of the conservatory and dance the ballet's one day. Her going to the conservatory was to LEARN that building on her knowledge. Besides, normally she wouldn't have gotten an audition with her lack of Point training, but for Nick's intervening.


Flashdance mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Alex walks over to the side with her basket of laundry, as she walks over you can see clothes hanging over the basket side. In the next shot there are no clothes hanging over the side. (00:22:15)


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Nick: I'll bring him a doggy bag if you'll have dinner with me.
Alex Owens: I told you, I don't think it's a good idea to go out with the boss.
Nick: OK. Have it your way. You're fired. I'll pick you up tomorrow at eight.

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Trivia: Hannah's house is on 21st, in the southside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

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