A.I. Artificial Intelligence

Continuity mistake: During the spinach competition, on the angle from behind, David is swallowing really fast, but a frame later - from the front angle - his mouth is still and he opens it to show the food. Furthermore, a frame after this his head is down.


Continuity mistake: When Martin opens his mouth to show he's swallowed all the spinach, from David's point of view the bowl is dirty on the side, but swaps to clean on the next shot from the same point of view.


Continuity mistake: While with Martin and David, Teddy runs crying "Mommy" and lands on a cushion, his feet outside the cushion. A frame later all of his body is resting on the cushion.


Continuity mistake: When he's saying goodbye to Joe, David's hair is alternately dry/wet and swaps styles between shots.


Continuity mistake: Before David gets stabbed in the pool, the hair of the guy with knife is messy, but during the stabbing it's brushed.

Continuity mistake: When David talks to the Fair, from the angle behind, he is standing parallel to her, from the front angle he is standing sideways.


Continuity mistake: After Prof. Hobby leaves his glasses on the desk to stab a student's hand, the glasses turn 180ยบ around.


Continuity mistake: When David finds himself, David II's seat swaps from facing a 5 o'clock to a 7 o'clock direction back and forth depending on the angle.


Continuity mistake: When the frozen Fairy shatters, part of her legs and waist remain standing. When David is touched by the alien, half a second later, those remains are completely different.


Continuity mistake: When stranding David, the mother cries, "I gotta leave", and then her hand swaps from resting on his shoulder with extended fingers, to clutching his shoulder, between shots.


Continuity mistake: About to strand David, his mother stops the car for a brief second. When she continues driving, a large amount of debris has appeared on the road.


Continuity mistake: While being operated, the way David's sweatshirt is folded differs between the front and back shot, when he says, "Mom, it doesn't hurt."


Continuity mistake: After the pool incident when David is writing letters. Monica is looking over the letters that David has written. There's a point where you can see that she's still holding at least 2-3 sheets of paper but when the camera shifts back to the writing there's only one in her hand. There should be more than one paper in her hand. And when viewed from behind her back the sheets are neatly lying on top of each other, when seen from the front, the sheets are tilted. (00:46:43)

More mistakes in A.I. Artificial Intelligence

Trivia: When Joe combines questions during the Mr. Know scene, we hear the doorbell sound from The Jetsons.

More trivia for A.I. Artificial Intelligence

Question: Why did Teddy growl in the helicopter when the trio arrived at Manhattan?


Chosen answer: It was dangerous for Mecha to go there; he was afraid for David's safety.

David R Turner

More questions & answers from A.I. Artificial Intelligence

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