A.I. Artificial Intelligence

Audio problem: When Monica runs back upstairs to see what David did to her perfume bottle, the sounds of the footsteps on the stairs don't sync up with the steps we see her taking. (00:24:40)

Matty Blast

Audio problem: When Henry asks David why he was going to cut Monica's hair, the sound is out of sync with his mouth. (00:39:30)

rabid anarchist

A.I. Artificial Intelligence mistake picture

Revealing mistake: In the swimming pool scene, when David is sitting at the bottom of the pool, you can clearly see a scab on one of his knees. (00:43:00)

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Trivia: In Philip K. Dick's short story "Type II" which became the movie Screamers, the Type III robot was a small boy named David, carrying a Teddy.

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Question: What is the significance of the seven word code used to activate David?

Answer: The seven word code was used to activate David's imprinting protocol which would make him recognize Monica as his mother.

Answer: Spielberg is Jewish, the seven word code relates to the Jewish legends of the Gollum, whereby reciting an enchantment can bring these dolls to life.

Answer: I think the significance is that there is no significance. David's manufacturers programmed him with these specific words because they are indeed very random. The chance of someone speaking these exact words, in that exact order, for any reason other than the intended purpose would never happen. Therefore, there would be no "accidental" programming.

Christie Love

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