Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

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A great film with the exception of the Aragog scenes


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets mistake picture

Revealing mistake: At the beginning of the scene near the end of the movie with Lucius Malfoy fuming at Dumbledore in his office, Malfoy's hair is fanned back behind his shoulders. The lighting in the room illuminates the back of his neck, where you can see his real, short brown hair. (02:22:05)

More mistakes in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Uncle Vernon: And Dudley, you will be?
Dudley Dursley: I'll be waiting to open the door.
Uncle Vernon: Excellent. And you?
Harry: I'll be in my bedroom, making no noise and pretending that I don't exist.

More quotes from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
More trivia for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Question: Is this true that line "I didn't know you could read" was improvised by Tom Felton, who forgot his original line?

Answer: Yes. It's a common occurrence in a lot of movies for actors to forget their original lines so they improvise something to help move the scene along and not break character. Tom did this because he forgot what his original line was.

Answer: Yes in the same way Daniel Radcliffe improvised his line about always being around when talking to Lucius at the end.


Actually, Jason Isaacs said that, and he and Daniel didn't forget their lines but did it intentionally.


More questions & answers from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

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