Casino Royale

Revealing mistake: The Union Flag pinned to the back of the taxi driver's jacket is upside down. Since he is part of the government (he's undercover for the Foreign Office) he shouldn't make such an terrible mistake. (01:20:40)


Revealing mistake: Mata is kidnapped and taken to Casino Royale in a flying saucer, which then releases a small hovercraft to bring her inside the island cave. Once inside the cave, the hovercraft leaves the water and goes up a ramp, at which point a tow cable can be seen pulling the hovercraft up the ramp and onto the landing platform. (01:45:25)

Visible crew/equipment: When Mimi is escaping from the castle and swinging on the drain pipes, the wire holding the whole lot up is visible. (00:29:10)


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Question: At the beginning, M and agents representing the USA, Soviet Union and France try to convince James Bond to come out of retirement. Bond steadfastly refuses; whereupon, M lights his cigar as a signal for British troops in the distance to destroy Bond's estate with mortar fire (M is accidentally killed in the mortar attack). But what was the purpose of destroying Bond's estate? Wouldn't that action only drive Bond further away from rejoining the spy corps? Why would the British government go to such lengths to punish Bond? And then why did Bond return to the secret service, anyway, after such treachery?

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: Given that this is a comedy, the thinking was probably "Well, we'll just blow up your retirement so you've got no choice but to come out of it."

Captain Defenestrator

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