Scrappy Doo: I'm as cute as a Powerpuff Girl. I'll get my own show.
Shaggy: Sit grandma, bad grandma, don't eat the kitty.
Fred: Mr. Mononucleosis, we have hit a clue smorgasboard.
Shaggy: Scooby-Doo, where are you?
Scooby Doo: Ramburgers.
Scooby Doo: Why's Fred in a bad mood?
Shaggy: He's not in a bad mood, Scoob, he's a monster.
Velma: Kinda makes you nostalgic for the homicidal creatures, doesn't it?
Shaggy: Zoinks! them peppers is like hot.
Fred: This is more embarrassing than the time you started cleaning your beans at Don Knotts' Christmas party.
Creature: I've gotta bag of... uh... hamburgers for you. All you have to do is to come out into the dark shadowy part of the woods where no one can see you.
Scooby Doo: Okay.
Mondavarious: Two years ago that little pest turns up at a casting session for our evil elves. Next thing I know i'm stuck in a hole and he's cavorting about in a mechanical version of me. But look thank you so much. What a delight. Fantastic! Fantastic.
Scooby Doo: What's that?
Mondavarious: It's a cat with a bobbing head, please don't touch it.
Answer: In the cartoons, it's AC-712. The film was probably faithful to this.
Tailkinker ★