Braveheart mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: During the "full attack" at the start of the Battle of Stirling Bridge, Wallace repeatedly shouts, "Hold," and in the wideshot right before Wallace finally shouts, "Now!" as the horses gallop towards the right side of the screen, we can see a white car at the left side of the screen. Viewed widescreen version. (01:27:15)

Super Grover

Braveheart mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the end when Wallace is being led to be executed, he is pelted with food. Much of it sticks to his face and hair. A few moments later when they are standing him up he is completely clean. (02:37:50)

Braveheart mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Wallace first meets Princess Isabelle and is left alone with her in the tent, the wimple she is wearing appears to have a life of its own - first it's on her chin, then over her chin, and then under her chin. (01:47:10)

Braveheart mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the English spy tries to kill Wallace, and you realize the crazy Irishman is a friend, you see the spy drop his sword, as soon as he is hit by the Irishman's weapon, but as soon as he hits the ground dead, the sword is back in his hand. (01:08:30)

Braveheart mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Wallace tries to escape from the English with his wife, not knowing that she has been captured and executed, he is seen running through the woods screaming her name... As he's running he has a sword in his right hand. During the course of three or four camera shots, the sword he is holding magically disappears and reappears as different cameras shoot him. Then it reappears and he digs it into the ground as he takes off the English soldier's uniform that he stole. (00:42:35)

Braveheart mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Wallace throws one of the archers down from the tower, as he falls on the roof below him. Look down to the left of the screen. You should be able to see a man in a dark grey shirt standing beside a camera. (00:48:55)


Braveheart mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: At the end of the wedding party scene, when the Scott shrugs off the English soldier who is taking his wife, you can see a spotlight covered with a blue tarp, behind his head. (00:23:55)

Braveheart mistake picture

Revealing mistake: William Wallace's footwear (as seen at the end of the movie) has metal eyelets. Either he was ahead of his time or wardrobe wasn't paying attention to detail. (02:40:20)

Braveheart mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Just before Wallace picks up the archer to throw him over the ledge, you can the archer has a tin looking hat around his head with part of his suit covering his head below the hat. In the shot from in front of the ledge when Wallace is throwing him off the cap has now disappeared before he has been thrown. The following shot as he is falling its a bit hard to see his cap but you see it come off. (00:50:45)


Braveheart mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Hamish and Wallace are throwing stones, Hamish gets hit on the head. When he falls to the floor his head is bleeding, but in the next shot there is no blood and a very faint cut. (00:25:30)

Braveheart mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Wallace arrives at the home of Murron to invite her for a ride in the rain, the mother's head covering changes several times between shots. Sometimes it has the yellow fringe close to her face and other times it does not have the fringe at all. (00:29:40)

Braveheart mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the prison cell scene, after Princess Isabelle enters the cell and the jailor leaves, the jailor leaves the cell door half closed. The camera moves to William again then back to Princess Isabelle and the door is now fully open. (02:28:45)

Braveheart mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At Sterling right after the first arrow attack by the English men, you can see Wallace getting up with his shield in front of him. We can see one arrow attached to his shield, however when it cuts he has two arrows attached to the shield. (01:23:20)


Visible crew/equipment: At the funeral of William Wallace's wife, Murron, a white van can be seen. He bends down to kiss her and as he stands back up, if you look over his left shoulder through the trees you can see the van going past. It's very quick, small, and blurred, but it's there. (00:54:25)

More mistakes in Braveheart

[At Sterling, when arrows rain down on the Scots.]
Stephen: The Lord tells me he can get me out of this mess, but he's pretty sure you're fucked.

More quotes from Braveheart

Trivia: The Irish Army personnel, who were used as extras in the battle scenes, had an unfortunate habit of wearing wristwatches and sunglasses, causing several scenes to be re-shot.

More trivia for Braveheart

Question: The script was written by Randall Wallace. Any family connections to William Wallace or is it just a coincidence?

Answer: According to IMDb Randall Wallace's personal quote reads, "I think he is an ancestor, I feel his blood in my veins. I can't prove it but then no one can disprove it."


More questions & answers from Braveheart

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