The Nutty Professor

Other mistake: In the scene when Professor Kelp sticks his arm in the punch bowl the fruit juice stains his white jacket sleeve red. When he goes to his laboratory to make more formula to become Buddy Love, his white shirt sleeve underneath his stained white jacket sleeve is still white. It is hard to believe his jacket sleeve would stain and not his shirt sleeve as well.


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Dr. Hamius R. Warfield: Kelp, it's human nature. Kelp, people just don't like teachers blowing up their kids.

More quotes from The Nutty Professor

Trivia: While the principal of the school is going through the list of everyone performing at the prom, he mentions a comedy duo, and says "Oh, I thought they split up." A wry reference to the earlier break up of Martin & Lewis.

More trivia for The Nutty Professor

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