Bloodsport mistake picture

Revealing mistake: During the fight montage, the winner of the first match wins by kicking his opponent in the face. His foot never makes contact.

Continuity mistake: In the final final fight scene, Jean Claude's hair is dry and combed, then wet and sweaty, then back to dry so on and so forth.

More mistakes in Bloodsport

Ray Jackson: Who the hell are these scumbags?
Rawlins: Stay out of this, pal.
Ray Jackson: I ain't your pal, dickface.

More quotes from Bloodsport

Trivia: Bolo Yeung's (Chong Li) line "brick not hit back" is similar to Bruce Lee's "Enter the Dragon" line of "boards don't hit back." Bolo Yeung was also in "Enter the Dragon" (as Yang Sze).


More trivia for Bloodsport

Question: Why isn't Chong-Li disqualified for any of the times he puts his hands on the referee?


Answer: In the Kumite contact with the referee is apparently not illegal.


More questions & answers from Bloodsport

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