
Made (2001)

6 mistakes

(2 votes)

Revealing mistake: When Ricky and Bobby knock the fishbowl over while fighting, you can see it separate into two clean halves before it even falls. (00:40:05)

Other mistake: Towards the end of the scene in which Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau are arguing in front of the penguin exhibit, as Vince Vaughn gets rolling with his speech the movement of his lips fails to jibe with the soundtrack.

Continuity mistake: When Vince Vaughn's character gets busted for talking on the "job phone" (in the beginning), he hangs the cordless onto the receiver (wall-mounted). The next cut back to him shows no handset, only the receiver.

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Suggested correction: When he hangs up the phone, it remains hung up on the wall receiver for the rest of the scene. The phone can be seen several times before the scene ends. The way you can tell is this: when the phone is off the receiver, there is a stripe of grey duct tape holding the receiver to the beam. The phone does not have any duct tape on it, so when it is hung up on the receiver, the duct tape is no longer fully visible, because the handset is covering it.


Continuity mistake: Near the end of the movie when the "boys" are back in Max's office, Max lays out one stack of money on Bobby's side. When the camera angle changes, it's on Ricky's side. (01:23:05)

Continuity mistake: In the scene where they are painting, in one frame, Ricky has his hands closed together, and in the next shot, he is holding a paintbrush.

Continuity mistake: In the ceramic painting store Vince Vaughn exhales a giant puff of cigarette smoke into the air in response to a woman worker who asked him to butt out. The strange thing is that he didn't inhale in the previous shot.

Ricky Slade: We don't wanna talk, we wanna scream at people, but we don't wanna listen or problem solve and that's what's frustrating about the fucking dynamic of the group.

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Trivia: Not too noticeable until you read the credits. One of the guys getting a lap dance at the party is played by Tom Morello (RATM guitarist), the other by Jon Silverman.

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Question: When Jimmy tells Ricky and Bobby to go home after the bar fight, they go to the limo with the Welshman. The 3 get in. Who drives?

Answer: Horace is also with them; he drives.


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