Holiday Inn

Holiday Inn (1942)


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Jim Hardy: For that kinda of money you oughta be able to go by way o' Medicine Hat.

Linda Mason: What would you like?
Danny Reed: Orchids, the finest you've got.
Linda Mason: Corsage?
Danny Reed: No, no. A dozen, loose, looking like they don't care.

Jim Hardy: Lila's back in New York. I got a letter from her yesterday.
Ted Hanover: What happened to her millionaire?
Jim Hardy: Slight mistake there. He didn't own millions, he owed them.
Ted Hanover: Poor girl. Always straying to greener pastures and finding spinach.

Linda Mason: My father was a lot like you, just a man with a family. Never amounted to much, didn't care. But as long as he was alive, we always had plenty to eat and clothes to keep us warm.
Jim Hardy: Were you happy?
Linda Mason: Yes.
Jim Hardy: Then your father was a very successful man.

Jim Hardy: What brings you here on this bright and uninviting day?

Danny Reed: Happy New Year.
Ted Hanover: Oh, don't do that.

Ted Hanover: A gentle smile often breeds a kick in the pants.

Jim Hardy: Right now I've got the ledger in an iron lung.

Linda Mason: You sound sweet, but you don't make sense.

Dance Extra: What is this the daisy chain?
Ted Hanover: Sorry, we're just looking for the back of a woman we don't know.

Ted Hanover: When a fellow is surprised to hear about his own wedding, brother that's when I go to work with a clear conscience.

Danny Reed: How'd he get that far in five minutes?
Ted Hanover: The lady must have been willing.
Danny Reed: The world can't do this to us.

Continuity mistake: After their first number, Ted and Jim are in their dressing room, Jim is buttoning his left cuff and then pulls down his right sleeve. In the next shot, he does this again.

Jack's Revenge

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Trivia: The Holiday Inn chain of motels, founded after World War II was named after this movie, not the other way around.

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