Tremors 3: Back to Perfection

Other mistake: When Jack is using the chainsaw to dig Burt out of the Graboid, we do not see where he is cutting, but we do see sparks fly just before he stops and puts the saw down. The chainsaw angle does not match the sparks' direction.


Other mistake: If the flying creatures sense heat, then the junkyard should have a lot of heat signatures, but the aerial photograph has none.

Movie Nut

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Suggested correction: It wasn't an actual, fully operational junk yard with car crushers, cranes etc. It was just an area that the residents had designated a junk yard.

Continuity mistake: When El Blanco is outside Burt's home, and leaves, there isn't any hole in the ground after him. Later, in the movie, when El Blanco gets underneath the earth, he leaves a big hole after him. Why wasn't it like that the first time?

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Burt: A lifetime of preparation, and I end up a refugee?

More quotes from Tremors 3: Back to Perfection

Trivia: The woman who accidentally calls Burt Gummer (Michael Gross) "Mr. Goober" is actually played by Michael Gross' sister Mary. Like her brother, she's an actress who was a co-star on Saturday Night Live for several years in the 80's, and has done a smattering of film, television and voice-acting roles since.


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