Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

All of the historical figures get arrested after they wreak havoc on the mall and end up being taken to the police station where Ted's dad works. When Bill and Ted find Napolean in the Waterloo Park, they head to the police station, using circumstances "set up" after the test to free them and stop Ted's dad. Everyone heads to the auditorium and gives a performance that earns Bill and Ted the A+ they need to pass. Later in their garage, Ted is upset because even though they did so much, nothing has changed. Then Rufus appears with the princesses from England and Rufus tells them that Wyld Stallyns wille ventually end war and poverty and bring peace throughout the universe. He then gives the guys new instruments, which they and the girls proceed to jam on... incredibly badly.


Continuity mistake: At one point, when they time-travel away from "1,000,000 B.C.", Bill is on the left inside the phone booth and Ted is on the right. When the camera switches away, then back, they've changed sides.

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Teacher: Ted, who was Joan of Arc?
Ted: Noah's wife?

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Trivia: The writers of the script, Chris Matheson and Ed Solomon, have cameos as waiters in the ice cream place.


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Question: Why was Beethoven arrested? He wasn't doing anything illegal.

Answer: While it's not unusual for musicians to try out new instruments (playing a few rifts and even entire compositions) in a music shop, Beethoven's extended sampling-keyboard performance went wild, drawing an enthusiastic mall crowd into the relatively small music shop. The shop manager no doubt felt overwhelmed and called in mall security to clear out the shop before any damage and/or theft occurred. Keep in mind that the security team was already scrambling to respond to several simultaneous disturbances throughout the mall, all caused by 7 strangely-dressed oddballs (more than half of whom only spoke obsolete dialects and ancient languages). The time-travelers were, thus, probably all perceived as one group of pranksters or escapees from a mental institution.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: This appears to be a reference to Beethoven's real-life arrests. He had a dark side, often drinking excessively and prowling the streets at night, peering into peoples' windows. Police mistook him as a drunken vagrant.


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